Lord Jesus ChristOnce when asked what Jesus meant by “He who beholds me beholds the One Who sent me”,  Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda explained that the son of God, or the empowered agent of God, is the pure medium of God. Because they are without any desire to be lord or master and are fully surrendered, they are able to be used by God.  As Jesus himself puts it “……I have not spoken on my own initiative, but the Father Himself Who sent me has commanded me what to say and what to speak.“



Jagad Guru explains further:
“When Jesus says “To see me is to see the Father” he is giving us the key to vision of God because vision of God begins with faith in His actual existence.  When one looks into the eyes of Jesus, looks at his sacrifice, at his life, he sees present there, real love for someone.  He sees that Jesus really is relating to someone. 

To see the reality of someone’s love for another person is to simultaneously see the actual existence of the person being loved.  To see the reality of a relationship is to see the reality of the personalities involved…..

Love for God can stand only on the secure platform of faith in and knowledge of His actual existence.  So from time to time God will send His son or servant or come Himself just to inject faith and knowledge into the hearts of the pious, so they may come back to Him.”

Namaste and Merry Christmas 2016!
Chaitanya das/Charles Robinson


Namaste & Happy Christmas
*See information on image below

Since I started this blog 6 months ago I have received many heartfelt messages of encouragement and thanks from so many people in different countries around the world.  It has been humbling.  I have tried to document my personal spiritual journey and I did not know how it was going to be received.  But I have not had one negative comment.

This can be a crazy time with business people and others trying to hijack a spiritual celebration and turn it into a commercial opportunity, endeavoring to turn Christmas into Xmas!  I personally am trying to maintain the focus on Lord Jesus and his teachings at this time.  I guess I’m one of the ‘politically incorrect’.

Whether you do or don’t believe in a higher power, the Supersoul, the Father, Krishna, Jehovah, Lord Buddha, Allah – we are all brothers and sisters.

So to all of you who find this blog, who share my life and spiritual journey, I thank you.

I hope you and your loved ones have a happy and safe Christmas 2016 and if the Lord is willing we meet again in the New Year!

Namaste and Happy Krishnamas!
Chaitanya das/Charles Robinson

*The above image was made by one of my very talented daughters, Yogananda dasi (that silhouette is suppose to be me btw!). She is always busy so I’m pleased she found time to do this.  There is more of her art on her FB page:



There are four H.A. Weymann and Son instrument catalogs that I know of still existing that feature guitars:

Weymann Instrument Catalogs, from left; c.1890 (retail), 1924, c.1928, c.1931
Weymann Instrument Catalogs, from left; c.1890 (retail), 1924, c.1928, c.1931

There is also a c.1930 Banjo catalog which only contains banjos.

1. WEYMANN  – Early 1890’s Retail Catalog.  Additional Information added 21 Sept 17: This catalog has been dated from 1896-1899 by a reader, see his comment on this post below.

Only four pages in total, this retail catalog shows  that Weymann was making guitars at this early date under their own “Weymann’s Highest Grade” and “W and S Keystone State” labels.

Some people date this catalog to 1889 but I think it is more likely a few years later than that (thus the early 1890’s).

Continue reading “H. A. WEYMANN & Son – CATALOGS”