The LORD in my HEART, a guitar and a knife – a true story!

My Lord In My Heart

Every living being, and every person, has seated next to us, seated next to us in our heart, the Paramatma, an expansion of God, Krishna. It doesn’t matter how sinful I am, how low a life form my body is, the Lord’s there beside me. I am not alone. We are never alone.

Because we are in this human form, and we reside in this body in the area of the heart, we often refer to the Paramatma as the ‘Lord in the heart’, sitting next to us.
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A Layman’s Guide to Choosing a Doctor

Cartoon by by grand daughter Lana.
Cartoon by by grand daughter Lana.

I’ve mentioned before that with a serious disease I think we need to become active in the treatment of that disease.  This is because not all doctors are created equal.

There are doctors that graduate at the top of the class and those that graduate at the bottom.  And then there are those doctors no matter how smart they are scholastically will never make a good doctor.

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