Rare 1925 WEYMANN BANJO CATALOGUE No.56, – Free –

I’m offering this hi-res download of this rare WEYMANN BANJO Catalogue No. 56, from 1925 when Weymann was in their prime, free to anyone who would like a copy.  There are 18 styles of banjos and their variations in 52 pages.

A generous reader offered this to me at a nominal fee and I said I would make it available to people who wanted a copy.  So here are some samples of pages from the catalogue:

And here is a link to the complete catalogue, click to open it and then you can save on your computer.  Any problems send me an email to charles@koolaru.com and I’ll email you a copy:


1925 Weymann Banjos Catalogue PDF

All the best and have a great new year!

Charlie aka Chaitanya das

4 thoughts on “Rare 1925 WEYMANN BANJO CATALOGUE No.56, – Free –

  1. Thank you, Charles! Primary sources like this are hard to come by, and usually expensive. I appreciate the work you do to keep this area of interest growing and vibrant. Best Wishes for a happy New Year! Steven

    1. Thanks Steven for the kind comments! I’m hoping over the next few months to add some more catalogues and pamphlets for free downloads. All the best, Charles

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