WEYMANN LOCATIONS around Philadelphia 1864-1930

I want to thank Michael Wright for putting together all these addresses in Philadelphia that either the members of the Weymann family, or the Weymann business (H.A. Weymann & Son) occupied through the years.

I’m hoping, over time, we can add photos of the buildings if they still exist today.  Michael has started going around to see what is still standing, but this is difficult in these times of Covid 19. We’re open to receiving photos from anyone who would like to contribute😊.

First of all just a quick list of family members relating to the business, H.A. Weymann & Son, that are mentioned below (yes, it can be very confusing!):
Henry Arnold (H.A.) Weymann (1829-1892) – Founder of H.A. Weymann and Son.
Harry William (H.W.)Weymann (1866-1930) – Son of H.A. Weymann and main driver of the company after his father died.
William A. Weymann (1869-1918) – Another son of H.A. Weymann who worked for and who had shares in the business.
Albert Conrad Weymann (1874-1953) – Another son of H.A. Weymann who worked for and and who had shares in the business.
Harry Power Weymann (1889-    ) – A son of William A. Weymann (3rd generation).

LOCATIONS: (in chronological order)

1864 to around 1895 – 156 N. 2nd Street:

H. A. Weymann’s first store which he occupied for 30 years or so.  Initially selling diamonds, jewelry, watches and clocks (including watch repairs), and later adding musical instruments.

His business cards spell his name as either Weymann or Weyman:

Cards courtesy David Fridy.
H.A. Weymann’s first store, 156 N, 2nd St., selling predominantly watches and jewelry, you can just make out the store sign; “WATCHES – H.A. WEYMANN – JEWELRY”. This came with the date 1879. (Courtesy James Weymann McCauley).

156 N. 2nd St. site 2007 (we think! photo courtesy David Fridy)

1888 –  H.A. Weymann residence & business: 256 N. 2nd St:

Business card with the 256 N. 2nd St. address.

1889 –  H. A. Weymann. residence 1923 N. 23rd Street.

1891 (circa) –  H. A. Weymann residence with son William A. Weymann, 2251 N. 16th Street:

H. A. Weymann’s (and later son William A. Weymann’s) house at 2251 is the hole between 2249 (left) and 2253 (right). Back then the style of builders was to put up a row of 4 houses each with slightly different designs. 2251 was probably much like the peaked house on the right. In any case, we know the location and the neighbors are still there! The house which was on this vacant lot became William’s house in about 1893, after his father, H.A, died in 1892.
(Photo: Michael Wright 2020).

1892 (circa) –  H. W. Weymann’s residence 1918 N. 23rd Street:

A rare survivor! H. A. Weymann’s house at 1918 N. 23rd Street (the pink house) (Photo: Michael Wright 2020).
Another survivor on N. 23rd St., a boot scraper/cleaner!) (Photo: Michael Wright 2020).


1892 –  William A. Weymann’s  residence 256 N. 2nd Street.

1893 –  William A. Weymann’s residence 2251 N. 16th Street.

1894H.A. Weymann & Son, 156 N. 2nd Street, 43 N. 9th Street.

1895 –  H.A. Weymann & Son, 45 N. 9th Street (most likely expanding from 43 N. 9th Street). William A. Weymann takes over jewelry business at 102 N. 9th St.

1896H.A. Weymann & Son: 1314 Chestnut Street (Boner’s Music Store), 43 & 45 N. 9th Street and 156 N. 2nd Street (from 1864).

1896 – H.W. Weymann: 2012 Diamond Street (residence?).

1899H.A. Weymann & Son: 1022 Market Street.

1903H.A. Weymann & Son: 1023 Market Street  (listed as 923 Market street in a 1903 Philadelphia Inquirer):

Market Street in 1904 with insert showing detail of sign for Weymann & Son. What a bustling Street! No wonder business was good. (Courtesy David Fridy).
A colorized postcard of the same photo (Courtesy David Fridy).


1905 H.A. Weymann & Son factory:  2nd Street and Emporium on Market Street.

1907 H.A.Weymann & Son: 1010 Chestnut Street:

Philadelphia Conservatory of Music School Catalogue 1913-14 p 22. (Courtesy Neil Reck).
1010 Chestnut St. Enlargement from the catalogue
Interior 1010 Chestnut St c.1907. (Courtesy James Weymann McCauley)
Weymann Mobile advertising vehicle 1913 with address: Music Trade Review

1907H.A Weymann & Son: 1012 Chestnut Street

[advertised as “The largest store in Philly ever. This could be the 1010 store that maybe went from 1010-1012].

1912H.A. Weymann & Son: Factory also at 1009 Sansom Street

1916 H.A.Weymann & Son: 1108 Chestnut Street to at least 1928

Storefront 1108 Chestnut Street (photo Music Trade Review – I think!)

1918 – Harry Power Weymann store: Broad & Butler Streets

1924 H.A. Weymann & Son: W. Columbia and Hancock Streets:

Factory at Columbia and Hancock (Columbia changed to Cecil B. Moore Ave in the ‘70’s is now a vodka brewery (Stateside Urbancraft Vodka) Photos Michael Wright 2020 (note the very high ceilings).


1929-1930 H.A. Weymann & Son: N.E. corner 10th and Filbert Streets (showroom) and 817-23 W. Cumberland St. (Factory).

Letter dated May 1930 from envelope & detail graphic Weymann Factory, 817-23 W. Cumberland St.
10th and Filbert Streets Shop; letterhead graphic from a Weymann & Son Letter dated 1930.

That’s it for now. While the manufacturing arm of H.A. Weymann & Son closed down in the early 1930’s they still carried on retailing for some decades after that.

We will add more photos to this post as they come in.

Many thanks  Charles.

7 thoughts on “WEYMANN LOCATIONS around Philadelphia 1864-1930

  1. Hi Charlie…Hope all is well. Just saw your recent leaving this world post…..Amazing artwork on the letterhead and business cards…. like so many other things from olden days, they even did that with quality.

  2. Namaste Chaitanya das,
    This is so interesting & I am not even a guitar buff. I AM a strong believer in pursuing what you are genuinely interested in. What’s the use just going thru the motions! Artists & musicians are highly interesting, & obviously, so are these guitars. It seems this is an era where social media moguls are more interested in power & $’s than art, thanks for sharing this. Hare Nama✌️🌈🎸🪕

  3. Hi Charles,
    My grandfather worked at Weymann’s for many, many years. He was born in
    1908. My mom told me he had a fifth grade education and worked as a stock boy for the company working up the ladder to make enough money to raise his family of six children! I recently found his draft card and the address for
    Weymann’s in 1940 was 1613 Chestnut St, Phila. PA

    So interesting!

  4. I’ve been researching my last name lately. Just found this interesting. Parts of my family had a music store in Charleston SC. Would love to meet some of the Weymann’s. Not too many of us around.

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